
Time Killed My Life.

Long time no talk!
not really.
But, it seems like it, because i have this intense peice of writing im working on. Kind of a short story. Meanwhile, im slowly working on my novel.
haha, about that. the novel.
By working slowly, i mean i've been working for over a year on the same concept and have yet to get the first page done. But i will, because it's really close to me, i've kept the idea for so long. So i'm determined, and i have to get it finished.
Today I stayed home from school.
Mainly because i was too tired from staying up.
And what funny dreams I had! I dreamt i ran into the smoky paths of dance, the paths which lead to the circus. I twirled batons, balanced on tightropes like it was nobodys bizz-nass, and swollowed fire like it was candy. Then an elephant sat on me. I awoke with a horrible headache.
Yeah. the dream didnt happen.
But i had this huge headache that killed. :/
mmm, yeah. I want more sleep. Byebye:]
3.Art Geeks and Prom Queens - Alyson Noel
This is the official Mean Girls book. The popular group takes in the new girl, later to show the new girl just wants to be herself, and sticks with her cute crush from the beginning. I'd say the whole concept was clich'e, but i'm a sucker for girly books and with the twists in it Alyson Noel just managed to pull it off.
4.Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
The story was genious. Ray Bradbury came up with the concepts for the future that pushed me to read till the end. It was a bit slow at first, but the tale of these firemen burning every book was so incredible, it made it all worth it.


100 Books; 365 Days.

I took these pictures a few days ago and thought I'd share them, since I don't pose for facebook or myspace. x] I love editing pictures, I could easily sit and do it for hours. Today I'm going to talk about my project for 09, because I need to at some point. As my resolution, I have taken on a challenge to read 100 books. It's going quite well, Im already on my third book xD And then I'll be writing reviews on here about them, so I 1)Dont forget the books I've read, and 2) give everyone book recommendations. So those will be on here aswell as the usual blogs.
1.Possible Side Effects - Augusten Burroughs
A memoir consisting of short essays of Auguten's incredible life. This man has experienced so much, and no matter how horrifying his life is, I can't help laughing. It's too great. The effect this book had on me was shortened breath followed by laughter, and the sudden craving to own a puppy.
2. This Lullaby - Sarah Dessen
Being the first book I've read from Sarah Dessen, I can tell I'll be reading her stuff a lot over the course of the year. Where Remy never seems to find a real romance, She finds one in a musician named Dexter, and where you think you could figure out the ending, your mistaken. The ending leaves you surprised and wanting more, I can't wait for more of hers.