

I HATE when I haven't written anything in forever. But, I have lots to tell. :D

One is that while I wasn't writing on here I was conjuring up the ideas for my very first novel, which will be entitled 'Home-Grown Tomatoes.' I'm really, really excited about it, and I'll be you updated and maybe give you excerpts to look at as I go along. It's so odd, but I'm working really hard on like every sentence, and treating the people as people, rather than fictional means thought up in my cranium. I'm just questioning myself constantly, like "would they really say that?" I love it.

Another is that I'll be going to the 789 gathering in New York City this summer :D Which is awesome. And by then, I'm hoping to come up with enough money to get the camera I want. (which is high unlikely, But I'm going to try.) If anyone knows how I can come up with money for a new camera, let me know. I'm stumped.

Now that the scary busy times of March are over, I'll finally be able to focus on normal things again, like chatting to strangers on the internet and dressing up for the camera. And posting on here much for often, of coursee. I actually wanted to post a peice of writing, if that was cool. xD

This is the feather that belongs

to a troubled samaritan, given to

them by their Great

grandmother, who was a famous

prostitute in her younger Days.

She came across this feather when meeting her husband,

a Growing

drug dealer. It was sitting on a shelf

In a dusty bar, shining A New

life on their tragic, dubius tales.

Sitting on that shelf, and traveling the Journey

it did, this feather recieved And

exchanged it's stories.

It is, in retrospect, Recreating

The same tale

Over and over, sharing Life

And incredulous excitement with us all.

You can read it all together, or just the italic part. :D I'm going to go now and write more things, plus burn cd's. Bai.



  1. !!!!!
    And yes, thou must vlog etc more.

  2. I'm reading Identical by E. Hopkins & I like how you did they thingy w/ the words & the lines & the connectingness.
    Wow do I sound stupid.
    But you know what I mean? lol
    like there's a poem within the poem?
    Lol. but. um. yeah.
    I love that <3
