

Um, Im not even sure what FTW means, or if i properly used it.
It just felt like it needed to be there.
So i went to the new movie theatre in town yesterday with my sister to see Twilight.
Because you know, all of us book nerds enjoy meeting together at a movie theatre the very first day something like Twilight comes out.
There was no line, comfy seats, buttery popcorn, etc. Lovely, eh?
I watched Twilight.
I've got to admit, the characters were straight on. Carlisle looked absolutley PERFECT, and so was his personality. Rosalie was great too, and so was Jacob. Even Edward, who i at first thought wouldnt be good, was. I've always had a bit of trouble with Bella's actress, but i guess she did fine. They stuck to the book well too, and the ending scene in the ballet studio was intense.
But thats the thing, isnt it?
That was the only incredibly intense scene.
(Other then when Bella was in her bed, and Edward went to see if he could kiss her, and Bella like threw herself on top of him with no pants on. ahha. that was great.)
The only really intense part in the book too.
Honestly, when you look at it in that perspective, Twilight really isnt the BEST book.
Granted, there were still parts that made me "awuhhh!" and made me laugh. It was a decent movie, with good editing.
I'd give it, four stars? Yeah. Four Stars.


  1. Haha, Dana! FTW means;
    For The Win.

  2. I guess FTW cann also meann Fuck The World. But inn this casee (^^) I would use it as For The Win. :]
