

I was the captain of the yellow team, and Reidadler was captain of the blue. (Our mascot, and other team name was Norman Coldflower. But that's a whole other story in itself.)
I was SO hyped up yesterday. I was a beautiful day, I ate lunch outside with friends, and by the time school was over I was talking up a storm. I didn't even mind that I ran the mile or anything. I was actually pretty proud because I got a minute before the time I had last semester.
So me and Reid walked to his house, myself bragging up a storm about my day while Reidadler told me stories of his own. When we got to his house We started right away on the list, because we didn't get shit done at school. With his mom's help we got over fifty things on the list, typed and ready to go. I helped Reid put makeup on his face, he lent me his bandana, and we were set. His mommy drove us to the pizza place, and we just ended up going to 7-11 and getting energy drinks instead. My drink was yellow. It wasn't piss. It was Amp lemonade, and it was delicious thanks.
We got to the park, which was our destination, and we were about an hour early. Soo, Reidadler decided to show me an island he made. It was right next to a lake, and so beautiful. In order to get there, I had to walked across two logs that were above knee deep muddy water. They didn't look very stable, but after a pinky promise and a borrowed hand he brought me safely to the island. And it was incredible. Just seeing how the sun bounced off the water and glistened all around us was amazing. We sat there for quite the while, talking as much as we could before we had to turn against eachother later that night. He always brings me on the greatest adventures. It's, in my opinion, a ReidAdler DanaVlahos thing.<3
When we got off the island, My entire team came. Together in all yellow we looked like a shady cult of sorts. It was so awesome, we started going over the list, Reid Adler's team went over theirs, and we went over the rules. Me and Reid, the two captains, made an official handshake and off we went.
The only word I can describe the hunt as is: intense. Because it honestly was. We sprinted, dug in the dirt, met new stoner friends, risked life or death, laughed till I had no voice, met new stoner friends, and ran in circles with the oddest objects. It was so, so great.
With a half an hour left we had 13 objects left, and we were so determined to win. We found like seven things in that half an hour, and hid from cops at the same time.
We met at 9:30 in a parking lot and looked over each teams objects. Both teams were so critical of each object, making sure it was EXACT. Screaming was involved. It was 49-51, and my team WON. IT WAS SO AMAZING. The victory made my entire team ecstatic with the win. And extreme braggin rights WILL be used often.



Long time no talk? Probably just me. I feel the need to talk. Not talk really, but write EVERYTHING. I'll start with my day.
This morning I had to wake up at five a.m., which was absolutley redic. I had to splash water in my eyes, drink seltzer and turn of my rather loud alarm to get my butt up and out. After I finally got up I called Reidadler (shown above), as I am his alarm clock, and somehow we both got to school on time.
The school day went by insanely fast. I ran two laps, learned triginometry, and learned i have TONS of makeup work to do by the end of the week. It was tiring, but I saw friends along the way and it make everything a tad brighter. x]
After school I hung out with Reidadler for an hour, which is always fun. I told him about my day, and we exchanged stories, and he gave me a surprise. It was a book, called 'Wreck This Journal.' It's basically used as a stress reliever, and on every page it says something like 'scratch using a sharp object' or 'rub dirt here.' And by the time i'm finished, this book will be destroyed along with all stress. I LOVE it. :D
I said goodbye to him, and since then the day has been on fastforward. I can't believe it's already eight thirty! Crazy insane. I've been trying to make a new youtube account, sort of like a side account. I think it'd be great, because I want to keep my original account for videos I work really hard on, or videos I really love. But I also want to post other videos, like video responses or things I just want to say on the spot. Or for instance, I have bad habits such as cursing. And I don't want to spread that on my original channel, because I have little ones watching me. But I'll have more freedom on this new one, ya know? I think it really says something about my character that I have more to say about a new youtube account than I do about my school day. ;]
I talked a bit about mail last time? Yeah. Yeah I did. Well, I have lots of great things I'm expecting in the mail. One being a drawing Kenzi made me, which I really loved. :] He already sent it out, so that's something I'm really stoked about. Also, my buddy Nathan and me have a package deal going on, where he's going to send me England products and I'm going to be sending him American ones. I'm really really excited about that one too, just because It's the coolest thing in the world. I'm hoping to get everything for his package together this weekend, so I can send it out soon. And then, I'm buying youtube merch! In a few minutes, in fact. Dudeneedaeaseonup's awesome tee shirt, and a livelavalive headband. :D lifes good.
This was probably really boring for you. I'm sorry! I actually still want to typer tons more, but I'm figuring I should stop here, write on looseleaf, and I'll say more tommorow. byebye.<3


BEDA: DAY 8; I'm a Cycle.

I'm grumpy, and tired, and over edited.
And I look like I've got muscles out to Guam.
I've learned that my life is like a cycle. I'll be productive one day, the next day I'll eat food, and won't be as productive, and the next day I sleep. How ridiculous is that? Like, I can just tell from these blogs, that that's all I ever do.
I didn't get any sleep the night before this one, finally crashing at four a.m.
I had the craziest dream. I was in this hospital for children that had extreme problems. Like, they only had a body with no arms or legs, or they couldn't stop screaming, ect. Basically kids that needed to be treated every second of the day, or they could easily die. I was in this long white room with all of these babies, and I wanted to help, but I couldn't. There was one young doctor in the room, and he was running back and forth trying to help every baby on his own, but he couldn't, and he broke down crying.
I woke up at nine thirty. I ate, dressed pretty, messed around on the computer, and thought I'd read a book. So I started, and ended up falling asleep. I woke up at 5 pm. I slept my entire day away. I felt so completley ridiculous, it's not even remotley funny. I watched my friend Nathan on Blog tv, had some lulz, and now I'm here. And I love how I got a few paragraphs out of this day, because I totally thought I couldn't. :D
I did some online shopping today, and I figure out what I want, for the most part, which is exciting. I'm expecting lots of mail next week! One of the things is a picture from Kenzie, to which I'm extremely excited about.
Goodness, could you believe I'm still tired? I can't go to sleep yet though, because I have a plan to have a sleepover with myreidadler via phone. :] So I'll try to stay up as long as possible. Tommorow, according to my life cycle, I might be doing something productive. I'll keep you updated.<3


Keh, so I was in this intense battle, right?

I could've taken so many amazing pictures today, If only I brought my camera to the theatre. BUT! I went to the theatre today. :] The movie kind, because with all this illegal movie action happening these days, someones got to go.
I went with Ange and Vikki. Friends from the past, from like eigth grade when everything was all dramatic and unnecessary? And when I got in the car on the way there, I learned then they didnt grow up one bit. They were such twelve year olds, and I realized how much I grew from that stage. Thank goodness. And I realized how many people I've met since then, and how much love has come into my life, and how social I've truly become. The vibrating phone beside me has me grinning from ear to ear, knowing how many people I talk to, slash care about, slash care about me.
Anywho, we're moving onto the movie theatre. We arrive there, we get our tickets, we sit in comfy chairs. We immediatly go into their boy drama, which is one thing I left. I listened, I shared advice, I got a Venti Double Vanilla Cafe Mocha. It tasted like cappacino, the jerkfaces. I got twizzlers with it, because twizzlers are rather nice. :]
We're moving onto the movie itself. We saw The Haunting in Conneticut. Scary shit. Not even kidding, I hated it. I was shaking so bad, and I don't even think it was THAT scary. But I didn't take it in well, and, oh cripes. Scariest thing. The story was good. But so so scary. When we got out of the theatre I had theatre legs, which I'm pretty sure we all get. They're kind of like sea legs, but more like jello and less swervy. We went to the arcade section to wait for mom. All the sudden, this group of kids swarmed around us. And they all started talking to us at first. Then, they just started talking to me. DEFFO the coolest cats I've ever met at the theatre. They kept having me repeat words because they thought they were cute, and they hugged me and talked about their girlfriends, and I talked about my love, and we all just laughed and had a fun time till mom picked us up. Notice how I didn't mention My friends at all in that. Because they weren't there. They were off in a corner somewhere.
The theatre kids put their numbers in my phone, and we've been chattin it up via text. I love meeting new people so much, and like I said earlier, i love so much how things have changed for the better. I'm not an antisocial anymore, I'm a people person. x]
Slash talk to my camera and computer person.


BEDA: DAY 5; I Love My Mommy. x]

This picture's from last year. I think I've done a pretty nice job of groing out my hair, no? x]
Today was my mommy's birthday. I'm not gonna lie. She's not the easiest person to get along with. But she did bring me upon this earth. And for that, I thank her.
So I tried to make day all nice for her. Me and my sister went to about twenty stores searching for the perfect things. And in the end, my mom got steak, lobster, a beautiful cake, and the perfect book. Not bad, I quite like our work.
'Our' meaning me and my sister. I love my sister. I've gotten most of my likes and dislikes from her, and now that i've grown my own character I think we bond even more. It's pretty amazing. :]<3
this is such the boring blog today, but tommorow will be much much better, and i'll do it as soon as I get up, because I have such the itch to write, and belive you me, it will get scratched.
grawr. I'm so annoyed at the shortness of this page.
again sorry. <3<3


BEDA: DAY 4; I love Taco Bell. So Much.

Anyone that personally knows me will tell you that I have a love for food.
A hunger for life? I have to say, I have a particular hunger for mexicans.
Or rather, the Taco Bell their culture serves me.
I ate it for dinner, and it's basically my favorite food in the world. Even though I know for a fact that the food given to me was shipped to them frozen, and all they do to it before they serve it to me is pour hot water on it. Not kidding, It was in the book 'Chew on This.'
But, I've learned to live with it. If it's good, I will consume it.
I realize some people might think this inscecent eating will catch up to me in my later years. However, I'm small boned, and I love eating everything, which includes the healthiest of foods.
Plus, fasting soothes me. It's not in my religion or anything, but if I feel the need to fast for a day I feel cleansed, and released of everything. And, you know, I feel like less of a pig.
I don't think America has given much to offer food wise, because we get our food from our good old Melting Pot. That's what makes us beautiful.
I've learned today that I'd enjoy being able to chirp like a bird. Every bird has a different sound, and hearing them sing every day makes me feel so warm on the insides. If I could bring that sort of happiness to people, I'd chirp night and day.


BEDA: DAY 3; I'm Asleep Right Now.

That's me and my boyfriend's little brother. He's a cute kid.
But not nearly as cute as Reid (the boyfriend).
And that's not even why I love him. :]
And he doesn't read my blog, so you know I'm not just saying any of this.
It's been since around september, and it's so weird saying that I have a boyfriend. Because in all reality, he's so much more than that. He's kept me stable when I crumple to my knees and he can make me laugh forever.
I hate the phone. But I love hearing his voice.
When I'm not feeling well, he goes completley out of his way for my happiness.
We go on crazy adventures. And he listens. And notices everything.
My habits, the little things, you know? Things people never notice. And I'm comfortable with him, and safe.
Yeah, I'm fourteen, and this sounds like a stupid fourteen year old thing. But :] he's kept me moving for my entire freshman year, and that's really all I could ever ask for. I owe him my life.
I really wasn't planning on talking about that, but when explaining my Reid Adler, I can't help but brag. x] One really amazing thing I came across today was thunder. I havent sat down and watched a storm since early fall of last year. I love watching thunderstorms so much.
I'll just sit on my porch, and listen to all the noises. It's the most calming thing you could ever do. It just made my day ten trillion times better. :D
I'd tell you more about it, and I probably will in the morning. But right now all I'd like to do is lay down and watch friends, and maybe call up Reid before I crash. I promise I'll say more in the morning. Sorry this was a waste of space for your eyes to look upon.


BEDA: DAY 2; Grawrawrr.

I was incredibly stressed today, and I felt like dirt. And whenever I'm stressed, I get the urge to do something. I had the urge to bake today.

It's 11:10 p.m. and I just finished making a batch of tea cookies, my first time making them. They're cute. ^-^

But, OH GOD, what a day. I'm starting to really hate society, because It's all or nothing to everyone. There's no compromise anywhere, people just want what they want and expect to get it. It's so ridiculous, because I'm willing to work with people if they work with me. But that just doesn't happen. Whatevs.

And, I deal with people when they have problems. Yes, deal. Let's face it, no one really wants to hear about other people's problems when they've got enough of their own. But when people have problems, I sit with them, and I listen. Today I had an emotional breakdown in front of my mom, which hardly ever happens. It's always the other way around. And when I started crying she looked at me like I had ten heads and brushed me off. My heart cringed. So i went upstairs, collapsed, renewed my strength like the freaking pokemon I wish I was, and went out to buy supplies for cookies. In the past three hours I made thirty beautiful cookies. I've just got to ice them all.

I figured I'd give some to my teachers, because it might help me do better. Haha, If i were a teacher, and a girl made me cookies, I'd definetly give some extra credit. x]

Hey, so remember that time when I said I got help for the cutting? Well, the teacher has yet to confront me about it since then. and it's been like a month and a half, and it's not getting any better. So, I don't know what's up with that.

That's it really, except my brother wrote his first poem the other day, just because he felt like it.

If I could fly

I would sore through the sky. I would be like a fly,

Then I made a sigh.

Oh, I wish I could fly.

He's nine. He can be really adorable sometimes. :]


BEDA: DAY 1. =x

If Juno was food, I'd savor every bite.<3
So, I'm doing that whole Blog Every Day In April thing, just as a thing for me to really talk more on here, express my writing better, and hopefully get more ideas for my novel, "Home-Grown Tomatoes."
:D So Yeah! Rather exciting. I'm watching Juno as I type, and today I ate almost an entire sleeve of oreos, which I'm positive will be finished by the time this is posted.
I'll tell you a bit more about Home-Grown Tomatoes. Basically, It's about a girl trying to find her sister, literally and metaphorically. It's pretty insane, I'm really liking it. The main character is Aysen, a fifteen year old who lives in the future, what she'll be doing later on. She's real, and eats with her fingers. She has a fifteen year old cat named yoda, who grew up with her and is now hacking up her life, while Aysen is basically doing the same with hers.
The novel mostly takes place in an airport. Freaking intense.
Today, I got little to nothing accomplished, EXCEPT getting 1000 subscribers on youtube and 100 followers on twitter. Which is kind of nice, It's awesome knowing all of these people actually want to listen to what I have to say. Pretty sweet.
My daddy's downstairs making me a sandwhich, because I almost forgot to eat dinner. It's not like I don't eat (as you may recall, a sleeve of oreos has now dissapeared on my behalf.), I just forget sometimes.
Gah, I love my daddy. He takes care of me good.
I'm going to spend the rest of my night eating and on the phone, so i'll talk to you tommorow. Bye bye loves!<3