
BEDA: DAY 3; I'm Asleep Right Now.

That's me and my boyfriend's little brother. He's a cute kid.
But not nearly as cute as Reid (the boyfriend).
And that's not even why I love him. :]
And he doesn't read my blog, so you know I'm not just saying any of this.
It's been since around september, and it's so weird saying that I have a boyfriend. Because in all reality, he's so much more than that. He's kept me stable when I crumple to my knees and he can make me laugh forever.
I hate the phone. But I love hearing his voice.
When I'm not feeling well, he goes completley out of his way for my happiness.
We go on crazy adventures. And he listens. And notices everything.
My habits, the little things, you know? Things people never notice. And I'm comfortable with him, and safe.
Yeah, I'm fourteen, and this sounds like a stupid fourteen year old thing. But :] he's kept me moving for my entire freshman year, and that's really all I could ever ask for. I owe him my life.
I really wasn't planning on talking about that, but when explaining my Reid Adler, I can't help but brag. x] One really amazing thing I came across today was thunder. I havent sat down and watched a storm since early fall of last year. I love watching thunderstorms so much.
I'll just sit on my porch, and listen to all the noises. It's the most calming thing you could ever do. It just made my day ten trillion times better. :D
I'd tell you more about it, and I probably will in the morning. But right now all I'd like to do is lay down and watch friends, and maybe call up Reid before I crash. I promise I'll say more in the morning. Sorry this was a waste of space for your eyes to look upon.

1 comment:

  1. I love watching lighting. I abosolutely love thunder storms and everyone in my class hates them. After my storm there was a double rainbow. I am so happy for spring. The boyfriend sounds amazing,you deserve him cause your pretty amazing yourself.
    Shammy =)
