
BEDA: DAY 2; Grawrawrr.

I was incredibly stressed today, and I felt like dirt. And whenever I'm stressed, I get the urge to do something. I had the urge to bake today.

It's 11:10 p.m. and I just finished making a batch of tea cookies, my first time making them. They're cute. ^-^

But, OH GOD, what a day. I'm starting to really hate society, because It's all or nothing to everyone. There's no compromise anywhere, people just want what they want and expect to get it. It's so ridiculous, because I'm willing to work with people if they work with me. But that just doesn't happen. Whatevs.

And, I deal with people when they have problems. Yes, deal. Let's face it, no one really wants to hear about other people's problems when they've got enough of their own. But when people have problems, I sit with them, and I listen. Today I had an emotional breakdown in front of my mom, which hardly ever happens. It's always the other way around. And when I started crying she looked at me like I had ten heads and brushed me off. My heart cringed. So i went upstairs, collapsed, renewed my strength like the freaking pokemon I wish I was, and went out to buy supplies for cookies. In the past three hours I made thirty beautiful cookies. I've just got to ice them all.

I figured I'd give some to my teachers, because it might help me do better. Haha, If i were a teacher, and a girl made me cookies, I'd definetly give some extra credit. x]

Hey, so remember that time when I said I got help for the cutting? Well, the teacher has yet to confront me about it since then. and it's been like a month and a half, and it's not getting any better. So, I don't know what's up with that.

That's it really, except my brother wrote his first poem the other day, just because he felt like it.

If I could fly

I would sore through the sky. I would be like a fly,

Then I made a sigh.

Oh, I wish I could fly.

He's nine. He can be really adorable sometimes. :]


  1. You're actually amazing. So strong, and brilliant. And you can bake!

    Just thought I'd let you know how much I respect you, and I've never even spoken to you.

    Dana > Awesome :)

