
Keh, so I was in this intense battle, right?

I could've taken so many amazing pictures today, If only I brought my camera to the theatre. BUT! I went to the theatre today. :] The movie kind, because with all this illegal movie action happening these days, someones got to go.
I went with Ange and Vikki. Friends from the past, from like eigth grade when everything was all dramatic and unnecessary? And when I got in the car on the way there, I learned then they didnt grow up one bit. They were such twelve year olds, and I realized how much I grew from that stage. Thank goodness. And I realized how many people I've met since then, and how much love has come into my life, and how social I've truly become. The vibrating phone beside me has me grinning from ear to ear, knowing how many people I talk to, slash care about, slash care about me.
Anywho, we're moving onto the movie theatre. We arrive there, we get our tickets, we sit in comfy chairs. We immediatly go into their boy drama, which is one thing I left. I listened, I shared advice, I got a Venti Double Vanilla Cafe Mocha. It tasted like cappacino, the jerkfaces. I got twizzlers with it, because twizzlers are rather nice. :]
We're moving onto the movie itself. We saw The Haunting in Conneticut. Scary shit. Not even kidding, I hated it. I was shaking so bad, and I don't even think it was THAT scary. But I didn't take it in well, and, oh cripes. Scariest thing. The story was good. But so so scary. When we got out of the theatre I had theatre legs, which I'm pretty sure we all get. They're kind of like sea legs, but more like jello and less swervy. We went to the arcade section to wait for mom. All the sudden, this group of kids swarmed around us. And they all started talking to us at first. Then, they just started talking to me. DEFFO the coolest cats I've ever met at the theatre. They kept having me repeat words because they thought they were cute, and they hugged me and talked about their girlfriends, and I talked about my love, and we all just laughed and had a fun time till mom picked us up. Notice how I didn't mention My friends at all in that. Because they weren't there. They were off in a corner somewhere.
The theatre kids put their numbers in my phone, and we've been chattin it up via text. I love meeting new people so much, and like I said earlier, i love so much how things have changed for the better. I'm not an antisocial anymore, I'm a people person. x]
Slash talk to my camera and computer person.

1 comment:

  1. scary eh ? read my blog, the last entry is kinda scary haha. >IF< you do read it. Please dont think im a criminal!!!! lol
