

Long time no talk? Probably just me. I feel the need to talk. Not talk really, but write EVERYTHING. I'll start with my day.
This morning I had to wake up at five a.m., which was absolutley redic. I had to splash water in my eyes, drink seltzer and turn of my rather loud alarm to get my butt up and out. After I finally got up I called Reidadler (shown above), as I am his alarm clock, and somehow we both got to school on time.
The school day went by insanely fast. I ran two laps, learned triginometry, and learned i have TONS of makeup work to do by the end of the week. It was tiring, but I saw friends along the way and it make everything a tad brighter. x]
After school I hung out with Reidadler for an hour, which is always fun. I told him about my day, and we exchanged stories, and he gave me a surprise. It was a book, called 'Wreck This Journal.' It's basically used as a stress reliever, and on every page it says something like 'scratch using a sharp object' or 'rub dirt here.' And by the time i'm finished, this book will be destroyed along with all stress. I LOVE it. :D
I said goodbye to him, and since then the day has been on fastforward. I can't believe it's already eight thirty! Crazy insane. I've been trying to make a new youtube account, sort of like a side account. I think it'd be great, because I want to keep my original account for videos I work really hard on, or videos I really love. But I also want to post other videos, like video responses or things I just want to say on the spot. Or for instance, I have bad habits such as cursing. And I don't want to spread that on my original channel, because I have little ones watching me. But I'll have more freedom on this new one, ya know? I think it really says something about my character that I have more to say about a new youtube account than I do about my school day. ;]
I talked a bit about mail last time? Yeah. Yeah I did. Well, I have lots of great things I'm expecting in the mail. One being a drawing Kenzi made me, which I really loved. :] He already sent it out, so that's something I'm really stoked about. Also, my buddy Nathan and me have a package deal going on, where he's going to send me England products and I'm going to be sending him American ones. I'm really really excited about that one too, just because It's the coolest thing in the world. I'm hoping to get everything for his package together this weekend, so I can send it out soon. And then, I'm buying youtube merch! In a few minutes, in fact. Dudeneedaeaseonup's awesome tee shirt, and a livelavalive headband. :D lifes good.
This was probably really boring for you. I'm sorry! I actually still want to typer tons more, but I'm figuring I should stop here, write on looseleaf, and I'll say more tommorow. byebye.<3


  1. i've thought the same way about making an extra channel and i did :)

    it's a great idea. you should do it.
    i'd watch!

  2. Hey Dana,
    my names Amanda(:
    ive actully been watching your video for a little while now.
    I do not yet have anything like youtube, or aim, or blog yet.
    Im talking to my dad and hopefully i can get some to.
    I was woundering if youh can reply to a comment of mine on here?

    I though it would be fun to chat it up(:
